วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2556

U.S. – Thailand Export Control Legal – Regulatory workshop Bangkok

U.S. – Thailand Export Control Legal Regulatory
Bangkok, Thailand, November 27-29, 2007

Proposed Agenda

Day 1: Tuesday, November 27, 2007
          - Introductions and welcomes by Thai and U.S. sides
          - Round table: Each participant’s role in export controls and expectations of the workshop
          - Thai presentation: Thailand’s export controls and their legal framework
          - Couse introduction
          - United Nations Security Council Resolution 2540
          - Strategic and economic benefits of having a comprehensive export control system
          - Critical elements of an export control system
          - Round table discussion with export control official from another Action country

Day 2: Wednesday, November 28, 2007
          - National control list and multilateral export control regimes
          - Comparison of dual-use and munitions export laws
          - Industry government cooperation in export controls
          - Enforcement of export control law
          - Analysis of another country’s export control law
          - Discussion assessing Thai export control laws relative to UNSCR 1540 and critical elements

Day 3: Thursday, November 28, 2007
          - “Catch-all” controls (controls on end-use and end user)
          - Controls on transit, transshipment, and re-exports
          - Controls on brokering
          - Discussion on designing a consolidated export control law for Thailand
          - Closing discussion




ที่ดินบ้านสวน 1 งาน ท่ามกลางธรรมชาติในโครงการโกลเด้นโฮมเชียงแสนฯ ผ่อนสบาย ๆ เดือนละหมื่นกว่าบาท 24 เดือน ได้เป็นเจ้าของทันที   สนใจติ...